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Top Safety Travel Tips: What You Need to Know for Your Next Trip


If you’re an event manager, travelling has become second nature. The routine of going from the airport to your rental car to your hotel to the event and back home to do it all over again can become mundane. But how do you continue to put a priority on safety when your travels become comfortable and routine? Here are some tips on how to keep safety top-of-mind during your travels.

Before You Go

Keep a packing list handy for every trip so that nothing gets left behind. Beyond the basic clothing and toiletries, don’t forget these commonly forgotten items and to-dos.

Don’t Forget to Pack These on Your Person…

  • Your cell phone & driver’s license
  • A phone charger & a portable external battery
  • Any prescription medications in case of flight delays or lost luggage

Don’t Forget to Tell People Where You’re Going…

  • Create a travel itinerary using a Microsoft travel itinerary template
  • Include details such as flight, rental car and hotel information
  • Share your itinerary with someone you trust, such as a spouse, parent, co-worker, etc.
  • Turn on your phone location services so those following your itinerary can track you

Lastly, before you go, consider purchasing a slim, stylish backpack to make airport traveling easier, safer and more consolidated. Pro Tip: Only put your phone number on your luggage tags to ensure your safety. If you want to include information such as your full name, address and phone number, purchase a closed luggage tag to help protect your personal information.

At the Airport

As you travel through security to your gate and onto your plane, there are a few critical safety tips to keep in mind to protect yourself as well as your belongings.

  • Always keep your eyes up and be aware of your surroundings
  • Keep your computer on your person at all times, as laptops are a popular item for theft– According to Ponemon Institute, 12,000 laptops are lost in United States airports every week
  • Never leave any of your bags or personal items, including food and drinks, unattended
  • Keep your carry-on bags under your seat when possible

In the Rental Car or Rideshare

Whether you decide to rent a car or use a rideshare service, each route comes with its own set of directions to follow to ensure your safety.

  • Read reviews of the rental car agency or rideshare driver
  • Investigate how to get to the rental car agency or rideshare pickup area from your gate
  • Know the best route to get to your destination
  • Leave your own reviews to help fellow travelers

Rental Car Route

  • Ask about car insurance coverage and actions to take if anything happens to your rental
  • Ensure no one is around your rental car when you approach your vehicle
  • Take pictures of the outside of the vehicle prior to leaving the lot for documentation
  • Always lock your doors immediately before you start the vehicle
  • Take time to understand how everything works, such as signals, lights and windshield wipers
  • Turn on your GPS and map your route before you start driving – no distracted driving!
  • Make sure you know the laws of using cell phones for the State you are traveling to

Rideshare Route

  • As your rideshare vehicle arrives, double check the make & model and license plate number
  • Before you get into the vehicle, ask the driver who they are picking up
  • Let someone know when you get in a rideshare and arrive at your destination
  • If you feel unsafe, don’t hesitate to use the Uber and Lyft Help buttons and/or dial 911

Upon Arrival at the Hotel

Before you book your accommodations for your business trip, take time to learn about the neighborhood using search tools such as Google Maps and Crime Reports. You can even try calling the local police department to ask about safety in the area. Always check hotel reviews as well. Upon your arrival at the hotel, keep the following things in mind to ensure your safety.

  • Observe who is in the lobby area and ensure your room number isn’t shared for others to hear
  • Ask for a room on a higher floor – never on the ground floor level
  • If you take the elevator with another person, let them press their floor number first Note: If you don’t feel comfortable getting off on the same floor as them, go up or down a floor
  • If someone is following you down the hallway, take a detour and do not enter your room
  • Make sure no one is standing close to you as you enter your room
  • Check your hotel room for hidden cameras upon your arrival
  • Never be afraid to alert the hotel staff of suspicious activity that makes you uncomfortable
  • Always use the deadbolt in your room (beware that electronic deadbolts may not be as safe)
  • Be very careful with your key card (a dropped key card can give access to the wrong person to your room)

The bottom line is your event can’t happen if you don’t get there safely. Safety can become compromised when you’re in a rush, so always leave plenty of time and be aware of your surroundings!

We wish you safe travels on your next trip and beyond!

If you’re interested in more information and safety travel tips, check out these articles from AllBusiness.com and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.